Didst thou ever see a white bear? cried my father, turning his head round to Trim, who stood at the back of his chair:——No, an' please your honor, replied the corporal.——But thou could'st discourse about one, Trim, said my father, in case of need?——How is it possible, brother, quoth my uncle Toby, if the corporal never saw one?——'Tis the fact I want, said my father—and the possibility of it, is as follows.
(Sterne, The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy V:xlii.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Not at all for credit, in fact entirely irrelevant to this course, but...

a friend has moved to the area from the East Coast and is desperately in need of buffalo wings.  I have strong opinions about many food-related matters, but I'm not a big fan of wings to I have not been able to guide her.  Any suggestions about where to get good wings around here?  (Preferably non-chain...)


Dave K said...

Ferens in Downtown Champaign

PMV said...

black dog in downtown urbana- great under-the-radar place and it's definitely 100% worth the wait if there's a line

RS said...

This article includes a lot of chains, but it might be useful for your friend:


KW said...

Thanks so much for the suggestions, which I have passed on to my friend (along with the link to the Buzz review). A few places mentioned by my other class (Intro to Fiction):

Buffalo Wild Wings

No one in my Enlightenment class had any suggestions. Go figure.

FYI, and again, thanks for the help!