Didst thou ever see a white bear? cried my father, turning his head round to Trim, who stood at the back of his chair:——No, an' please your honor, replied the corporal.——But thou could'st discourse about one, Trim, said my father, in case of need?——How is it possible, brother, quoth my uncle Toby, if the corporal never saw one?——'Tis the fact I want, said my father—and the possibility of it, is as follows.
(Sterne, The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy V:xlii.

The Blog: Rules of Engagement

Here's how the blog works.
  •  You can respond to any posts that are designated “For Credit.” 
  • To respond to a “For Credit” blogpost, click on the “0 Responses” (if will have a number other than zero if others have already responded) button at the bottom of the blog post and typing in the window that opens up.
  • You are NOT expected to respond to all blog posts. 
  • No more than three blog responses in any given week will get credit.  
  • Each blog week begins on Saturday at midnight and ends the following Saturday at midnight. 
  • Blog responses posted after a stated deadline will not get credit.
  • Blog responses are graded weekly; each response is generally worth up to 3 points (sometimes more, sometimes less—the post will specify if this is the case).   
  • Generally, posts will get one point if they are intelligible and accurate and two points if they are insightful and supported (where relevant) with evidence.  The vast majority of thoughtful and intelligent posts get two points.  Posts only get a third point if they push the boundaries of the conversation: challenge a previous response, take issue with the question, make unexpected connections to other course readings, and the like.
  • The blog is available to the public, so I encourage you to use a pseudonym (I myself go by “KW” on the blog, so it won’t turn up in Google searches of my name).  Just let me know by e-mail what your pseudonym is so you can get credit for your responses. 
  • New posts are generally available a few hours after class ends and at the beginning of each blogging week.  I try to have at least one post available for responses at any given time, and often there are more.  It’s a good idea to bookmark the blog in your web browser, subscribe to it if you use a web reader, and check the site two or three times a week, preferably right before you do the reading for class.
  • Posts that are unkind, offensive, or uncollegial will be deleted.