Didst thou ever see a white bear? cried my father, turning his head round to Trim, who stood at the back of his chair:——No, an' please your honor, replied the corporal.——But thou could'st discourse about one, Trim, said my father, in case of need?——How is it possible, brother, quoth my uncle Toby, if the corporal never saw one?——'Tis the fact I want, said my father—and the possibility of it, is as follows.
(Sterne, The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy V:xlii.

Monday, April 11, 2011

For Credit: Third Paper Assignment

You can find the prompt for the third paper assignment here, and over there in the "Helpful Pages" sidebar box.

Questions? Perplexity? Confusion? Venting about the peculiar challenges presented by this assignment? Random thoughts and ideas? Feel free to post them here.

Deadline: Saturday (4/16), midnight.


JTA said...

The prompt says that we can't work with texts that we used in our own groups,but is it okay to use different texts from the same authors we used in our groups? For example, my group used Mary Leapor's "Dorinda at Her Glass," but earlier in the semester we went over Leapor's "Epistle to Artemisia" in class, would it be okay if I wanted to use the latter poem even though I worked with Leapor in my group?

KW said...

@JTA: Yes, feel free to use a different work by an author that you worked with for your group project!

MollySheehan said...

I am finding it difficult to narrow my topic down. I have chosen to look at children's literature and how it deals with teaching morality. I am using the "Rules for Behaviour" text that we read in class. I have found great difficulty in finding articles critiquing 18th century children's literature. Many of the articles I have encountered are not available in a "full text" edition online and I cannot seem to find other mediums where they would be available. Any suggestions on how to attack this problem?

KW said...

@MollySheehan: any article worth reading should be available through the UIUC library. If the MLA bibliography doesn't provide you with a "full-text" link, look up the journal in the UIUC online library catalog--the library may well subscribe to an online format of the journal that isn't linked in EBSCO. If there's no online subscription available, there should be bound back issues in the stacks (more recent issues will be in the periodical section of the Literature and Languages Library)--get the call number from the online catalog for the journal, and then look up the specific volume/number you need from the MLA citation.

Articles in essay collections usually have no online form--for those you have to go to the library and find the book on the shelf.

Hope this helps!

Bianca said...

Hey I tried to upload my proposal onto compass but it did not have a option for that. Have you put it up yet or will I have to wait until Friday to upload it? Thankz

KW said...

Bianca, thanks for the reminder! I just opened the link. You should be able to find the assignment drop box now.

Westyn said...

I am working with one of the readings we had for the theater, The Vision of the Golden Rump. Ultimately, I would like to compare what was written and performed to the politics, primarily of England. I remember us talking about how this particular play satirized the English government at the time, but I want to look at this idea in a broader view. I am finding some articles that I think will work, but I am concerned that they will focus on either politics or theater but not necessarily both. I am also unsure about whether this is too large of a topic or if it can be maneuvered to fit the length of the paper.

Ms. Kelly said...

I guess I wanted to know how to determine primary and secondary sources as they relate to reading that were presented to us by other groups. How do we distinguish between the two based on the excerpts/readings provided. Also, is it safe to assume that the 6-8 pages should be double space, since I was unsure prior to submitting my proposal I create a one page single space document. Finally, is this a paper that is solely based on what I find within the secondary texts or can I squeeze some of my own opinions it this final paper