Didst thou ever see a white bear? cried my father, turning his head round to Trim, who stood at the back of his chair:——No, an' please your honor, replied the corporal.——But thou could'st discourse about one, Trim, said my father, in case of need?——How is it possible, brother, quoth my uncle Toby, if the corporal never saw one?——'Tis the fact I want, said my father—and the possibility of it, is as follows.
(Sterne, The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy V:xlii.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Questions about the Syllabus or Course Requirements?

Feel free to ask your questions in response to this post--that way your classmates will get the benefit of the answer (and know they're not alone in their puzzlement).


Paul Suh said...

What time are your office hours?
The 1st page says it's from 3:15-4:15 TuTh
But the 5th page says it's from 3-4 pm MW

KW said...

Oops! Looks like I didn't quite make the transition from an old syllabus template to the new semester. MW is right--I have office hours the same days (two of them anyway) that class meets. Sorry about the confusion!

SMR said...

Just to clarify, we're good in terms of blog points as long as our Compass grades reach the 45 points the syllabus specifies for that category of participation? I'm assuming the moment in which we each reach those points will vary, but am I right in my thinking that we'll receive full credit once we reach that number, or is there another average of blog posts we should do per week (with, of course, no more than three graded per week, as you mention) we're supposed to follow that doesn't necessarily guarantee all of those points (but ideally what we should be aiming for)?

(Really hoping that question isn't even MORE confusing...)

KW said...

SMR, you have it right. If you EXCEED that benchmark, then your additional points count as extra credit (they go towards your point total for the course as a whole).